TD 2 Space System Software
CloudFerro provides cutting-edge cloud services. The company delivers and operates cloud computing platforms for demanding markets, such as the European space sector, climate research and science. Its broad experience and in-depth expertise include storing and processing big data sets, such as multipetabyte repositories of Earth Observation satellite data.
The company offers cost-effective, open-source-based, flexible cloud so-lutions in a public, private or hybrid model, customized to meet user needs. Extensive range of ancillary services and dedicated technical support are provided by the highly experienced local team of IT specialists with unmat-ched competences.
CloudFerro has been trusted by leading European firms and scientific in-stitutions from various big-data-processing market sectors, including the Eu-ropean Space Agency (ESA), EUMETSAT, the European Centre for Medium–Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Mercator Ocean International, German Aerospace Centre (DLR), the EGI, to name a few.

- CloudFerro developed, operates and provides cloud computing services for thetwo out of five European Copernicus DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) platforms: CREODIAS and WEkEO.
- CODE-DE – German national platform, developed and operated by Clo-udFerro, that combines access to Earth observation data with flexible processing environment.
- Implementation and maintenance of the Copernicus CLIMATE DATA STORE hybrid cloud, on behalf of the European Centre for Medium-Ran-ge Weather Forecasts.
+48 223 546 573
ul. Nowogrodzka 31, 00-511 Warszawa
Joanna Małaśnicka
+48 513 778 414