TD 1 On-board Data Subsystems
TD 2 Space System Software
TD 9 Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
TD 10 Flight Dynamics and GNSS
TD 11 Space Debris
GMV Innovating Solutions Sp. z o.o. was founded in 2008 as a fully owned subsidiary in Poland of the international technology group GMV. The com-pany develops in Poland the whole GMV portfolio of activities and performs their own projects with particular focus on three industries: Space, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), defense and security. The global aim of GMV Innovating Solutions Sp. z o.o. activities is to provide IT solutions, integrated systems, specialized hi-tech products and services with close cooperation with clients and end-users. Within few years GMV Poland become reliable partner, products and service provider for European Space Agency, European prime contractors and satellite operators. GMV Poland possesses their own technical and service facilities and 80% of its employers are engineers (IT specialists, mechanics and telecommunication specialists).

- ◗ Mission control.
◗ AOCS & GNC On Board SW
◗ Ground Station Monitoring & Control
◗ GNSS receivers
◗ Operations Execution.
- On-board software – Delivery of full on-board software for OPS-SAT satelli-te, deliver of ADCS and FDIR system (OPS-SAT Phase B2/C/D/E1 ). Satellite on-orbit from 2019.
- GNSS SW receivers – GNSS software receivers line of products for microsa-tellites and microlaunchers. In flight tests foreseen onboad MIURA-1 laun-cher and GOMX-5 satellite under ESA programme.
- Data processing – Development of data processing alghortims, data quality, data orchestrators for many different missions in examp: SWARM, Earth-CARE, ALEOS, BIOMASS.
+48 22 395 51 65
ul. Hrubieszowska 2, 01-209 Warszawa
Paweł Wojtkiewicz, dyrektor ds. sektora kosmicznego
+48 693 361 603