(Institute of Geodesy and Cartography)
Technological domains
TD 2 Space System Software
About the subject
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography was established in 1945. The Insti-tute’s primary task is to carry out research in the field of geodesy and carto-graphy for the needs of science, geodetic and cartographic practice for the purposes of government and local government administration, state security, and also for the needs of geodetic and cartographic service providers. An important part of the Institute’s activity is also research and development in the field of aerial and satellite remote sensing in agriculture, environmental protection, spatial management and public statistics. Institute cooperates with many domestic, foreign and international institutions and organisations.

Main products and services
- User operations in the terrestrial segment – data analysis.
The most important achievements in the space sector
- ESA EOStat: Agriculture Poland: Services for Earth Observation-based sta-tistical information for agriculture
- ESA 4 Drought System of crop growth monitoring with satellite data to de-tect drought and monitor its expansion in order to estimate its impact on crop production and plan the mitigation was elaborated. The System of dro-ught forecasting and monitoring is based on synergy of NOAA/AVHRR (from 1997 to 2020), meteorological and Sentinel2 data. The developed model for drought includes indices based on surface temperature and meteorological data for each 1km2 and is delivered for every 10 days of the crop growth. The crop classification and crop development index of actual conditions ba-sed on Sentinel2 may be overlaid on spatial distributed drought conditions based on NOAA/AVHRR.
- ESA SAT4EST: Earth observation based service supporting local administra-tion in non-state forest management
Contact info
+48 22 329 19 00
ul. Modzelewskiego 27, 02-679 Warszawa
+48 22 329 19 00
ul. Modzelewskiego 27, 02-679 Warszawa
Contact person:
First name and last name:
prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Dąbrowska Zielińska
+48 604 554 162