(Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
TD 2 Space System Software
Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN) was established in 1983. Today, it is a leading oceanographic institution in Poland, also having an established position in European and global marine research. The mission of the Institute is to conduct basic research of the marine environ-ment and broaden the knowledge of the phenomena and processes taking place in it. The Institute of Oceanology conducts research mainly in the Baltic Sea and in the European Arctic. The Institute also conducts research and ap-plications related to various aspects of satellite remote sensing of the proper-ties of the oceans and the air-sea interface. It has extensive experience in the processing and use of satellite data in research and monitoring of the marine environment.

- Processing and analysis of EO satellite data.
- In situ radiometric measurements for satellite data calibration.
- Creation and operational maintenance of the SatBałtyk System – enabling routine monitoring of the environmental parameters of the Baltic Sea on the basis of satellite data and dedicated hydrodynamic models (IO PAN is the consortium leader and the main operator of the system).
- Participation in the development of a virtual platform enabling the search and handling of various EO data for selected areas and related model data sets and in-situ measurements in a selected area – Ocean Virtual Laboratory Project.
+48 58 731 16 00
ul. Powstańców Warszawy 55, 81-712 Sopot
Miroław Darecki
+48 58 731 18 13