TD 20 Structures
TD 21 Thermal
TD 8 System Design & Verification
TD 22 Environmental Control & Life Support (ECLS) and In Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU)
TD 11 Space Debris
S.A.B. Aerospace Sp. z o.o. is a small-medium size enterprise, part of the SAB group, engaged in the development of space subsystems and products for satellites and launchers. The company organization is based on a cluster of SMEs located in different territories with a center of gravity in Central Eu-rope. Besides the specific competencies in Project Management, System En-gineering, Product Assurance, mechanical design, and structural verification domain, the SAB strategy to act as a small system integrator in Poland is very ambitious and its implementation started. The company can count on the he-adquarter based in Warsaw and the engineering as well as the AIT plant lo-cated in Zielona Gora.
The most important achievements in the space sector:

- Involvement in the PLATO Project (scientific mission from ESA).
- Set up of the consortium to develop ISRU O2 extraction payload.
- Cooperation in the development of IOSHEXA (In-Orbit Servicing HEXAgonal module of the SSMS Dispenser) for VEGA launch system.
(+39) 0824 2 5587
ul. Flory 9/2, 00-586 Warszawa
Szymon Betliński
+48 790 791 967