(Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation)
TD 11 Space Debris
TD 19 Propulsion
TD 20 Structures
TD 21 Thermal
TD 18 Fluid Dynamics
The Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation is one of the most modern research institutions in Europe, with traditions dating back to 1926. The Institute closely cooperates with global giants of the aviation industry, such as GE, Airbus, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin or Ariane Gorup, as well as with institutions from the aviation and space industry, including the European Space Agency. The strategic research areas of the Institute are aviation, space and unmanned technologies. It also provides research and services for domestic and foreign industries in the field of ma-terial, composite, additive, remote sensing and many other technologies. In the field of space technologies, the Institute specializes in satellite propul-sion, rocket systems, avionics, environmental research and satellite remote sensing.

- ILR-33 AMBER 2K suborbital rocket
- Hydrogen peroxide concentrated to over 98%
+48 22 846 00 11
al. Krakowska 110/114, 02-256 Warszawa
Adam Okniński, p.o. dyrektor Centrum Technologii Kosmicznych Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Lotnictwa
+48 789 061 149