TD 6 RF Subsystems, Payloads and Technologies
TD 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques
TD 12 Ground Station Systems and Networks
TD 19 Propulsion
TD 24 Materials and Manufacturing Processes
SpaceForest develops and commercializes innovative solutions speciali-zing in microwave techniques, artificial intelligence, advanced electronics and rocket technologies. The company provides a wide range of services in the field of design and prototyping of microwave equipment, precision mecha-nics and electronics, as well as launching experiments on board of internally developed experimental rockets.
SpaceForest implements internally developed technologies applied in ae-rospace systems, autonomous tracking and communication system for flying vehicles, or Filter Tuning Solutions for manual and automatic cavity filters tuning. Cooperation with ESA lead to developing low-noise high frequency generators and solid state power amplifiers used in the satellite communi-cation systems.

- Antennas
- Communication
- RF equipment
- TX, RX, Repeaters and Transceivers
- Composite materials
- ESA projects – „Development and Qualification of Frequency Generators” (PLDRO) and „Development and Qualification of Dual Redundant Medium Power Master Signal Source” – completed at TRL7
- ESA project Solid State Power Amplifier for X-band completed at TRL5.TRL7 scheduled in 2022
- Project “Controllable and recoverable suborbital rocket with hybrid engine SF1000 based on eco-logical propellants- project co-financed by the Euro-pean Regional Development Fund. Project duration: April 2018 – December 2023. The main objective of the project is to design and build first Polish suborbital rocket able to carry up to 50 kg of commercial payload to altitudes up to 150 km. Successful test flight at the altitude 10km and recovery.
+48 587 705 646
ul. Bolesława Krzywoustego 1 B, 81-035 Gdynia
Marcin Sarnowski
+48 797 542 446