(Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology)
TD 15 Mechanisms
TD 20 Structures
TD 22 Environmental Control & Life Support (ECLS) and In Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU)
TD 24 Materials and Manufacturing Processes
The faculty is known in Poland and abroad as a strong research and te-aching center (category A). It employs 428 people, of which 258 are research and development staff. Over 100 PhD students. The unit is equipped with the most modern equipment that allows conducting research at the highest level in the directions indicated in the LORIS 2030 Regional Innovation Stra-tegy of the Lodzkie Region and in technologies of key importance for the development of the region and the country, which include among
others: nanotechnology and functional materials, special polymer mate-rials and hybrid and biomass conversion. Apart from the traditional ones, the department conducts interdisciplinary research in cooperation with other re-search units (65 projects for nearly PLN 11 million in 2020).

- Composite materials (polymer fibers) for launching systems, satellites and space probes.
- Research and edition of the publication: D.M. Bieliński, U. Ostaszewska, J. Jagielski, “Application of ion bombardment to modify tribological proper-ties of elastomers”, Polimery (Warszawa) 2014, 59 (5), 54–57.
- Research and edition of the publication: J. Jagielski, U. Ostaszewska, D.M. Bieliński, D. Grambole, I. Jóźwik, „Hydrogen Release From Irradiated Ela-stomers Measured by Nuclear Reaction Analysis”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 2016, B 371, 216–219.
- Research and edition of the publication: K.S. Bandzierz, L.A.E.M. Reuvekamp, G. Przybytniak, D.M. Bieliński, “Effect of electron beam irradiation on struc-ture and properties of styrene-butadiene rubber”, Rad. Phys. Chem. 2018, 149, 14–25.
+48 42 631 31 01
ul. Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódź
prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz M. Bieliński
+48 42 631 32 14, +48 661 220 261