Enhanced Polish-Ukrainian cooperation in the area of Space Situation Awareness
July 21, 2022

On July 15, The Polish Space Agency signed an agreement with the National Space Facilities Control & Test Center (NSFCTC) providing the Polish side with the opportunity to perform several hundred hours of observations from the NSFCTC’s telescopes by the end of 2022.

The agreement was signed by Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna, POLSA President and Volodymyr Prysiazhnyi, Chief of NSFCTC ,in the presence of Volodymyr Taftai, Head of the State Space Agency of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian side will provide POLSA with optical observations of space objects from a number of advanced optical telescopes of the national SSMAS (Space Situation Monitoring Analysis System) network. The current Agreement is a continuation of the two countries’ long-standing cooperation in the area of space safety. It is also a part of POLSA’s efforts to intensify the countries’ cooperation in the face of Russian aggression on Ukraine.

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