The “Operating system for gathering, sharing and promotion of digital satellite information about the environment – Sat4Envi” project will be implemented by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW – PIB) in cooperation with the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CBK PAN), the Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH and the Polish Space Agency (POLSA).

The project involves creating infrastructure for receiving, storing, processing and distributing data from meteorological and environmental satellites and satellite products, based on already existing IMGW resources. The established system will esnure a possibility of constant collecting and processing satellite data, as well as its sharing for scientific, strategic and security purposes.
Tasks to be completed include:
1. Developing a data reception and processing station from circumpolar satellites.
2. Establishing a modern satellite data archive.
3. Launching a new satellite technologies training centre.
4. Launching a scientific information sharing centre.
The goals of the program are compatible with the goals of:
1. Operational Program Digital Poland
2. Europe 2020 strategy,
3. EC Comission Notice (2014/C 240/01)
4. Polish Space Strategy
and fit in the National Smart Specializations.
The end of the project is scheduled for November 2020.
The implementation of the “Operating system for gathering, sharing and promotion of digital information about the environment – Sat4Envi” project will enable:
1. Providing free access to scientific resources in scope of remote sensing and interactive, electronic services for citizens, students, scientists, entrepreneurs and public administration,
2. Improving and accelerating the implementation of public administration tasks,
3. Increasing the effectiveness of preventive and outreach activities associated with natural hazards and disasters by constant access to information assisting in foreseeing threats and hazardous events and protection from their effects,
4. Creating demand for satellite data and associated services from public administration, which may contribute towards a more intense development of commercial services,
5. Upgrading and effective utilizing of IMGW-PIB, CBK PAN and Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH existing resources.
The educational & training program for public administration developed by the Polish Space Agency will cover framework trainings for high- and mid-level public administration decision makers and trainings for specialists. The training courses are addressed towards given local government workers: communes, poviats and Marshal’s offices, as well as public government representatives, along with institutions under their authority or supervision.
The goal of the courses will be improving the efficiency of public administration activities via increasing competences, knowledge, analytical and application skills of the staff in scope of satellite data utilization.
The scope of training courses will specifically include:
- searching, downloading, visualizing, presenting and processing data,
- analysis and interpretation of the data processing results,
- using model practices contributing to increasing the effectiveness of public administration activities.
The courses will also cover practical aspects regarding procurement connected with obtaining satellite imagery and related products.
Within the program, the substantive scope of the courses will be developed, along with tools and educational materials (including training agendas and course outlines). The specific goals of the program and rules for organizing courses will be described in detail.
The start of the training courses is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2019.
The Sat4Envi project is associated with the implementation of the Polish Space Strategy, in particular with Task No. 2: „Satellite applications development – contribution to digital economy”, by providing constant, fast and dependable access to satellite data, promoting satellite data utilization in public administration at various levels and developing commercial services.
The project is financed from the resources of the Operational Program Digital Poland, Action 2.3, Sub-action 2.3.1, in the amount of 17 903 900,00 PLN. These resources are made up of European funds (84.63%) and state funds (15.37%).